Captain A* – A*STAR Scholarship Video 2007

January 25th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

Directed and produced the A*STAR Scholarship Video for 2007 with a crew of five fellow scholars. The video was produced to be shown as one of the entertainment pieces for the 2007 A*STAR Scholarship Awards Ceremony held on 27th July 2007, and to be used as a promotional video for the A*STAR Graduate Academy to use for publicizing the A*STAR National Science Scholarships.

Though the project did not receive funding, we managed to acquire professional cameras and software, from the Institute of Infocomm Research, to produce the work.

As an exploration of DVD video creation, I designed a DVD for the video in the DVD-Video format, augmented with a Data directory. This directory contains computer navigable video, graphics files, textual information, and a web interface. I am hosting a web interface for the video online, and the ISO image of the designed DVD. Viewers can mount or burn the image to view it.

Captain A*

Logo of a video I helped produce to promote the A*STAR scholarship program.
Logo of a video I helped produce to promote the A*STAR scholarship program.

Playground Building Video

January 25th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

In an effort to learn some video editing, I cooked up this piece depicting some of us building a playground for our church, Bethel Grove Bible Church, in Ithaca. It uses two video footages and a very limited pool of photographs, and was assembled using Windows Movie Maker.

Click on the image to play the video, or right click and select “Save Link As” to save the video.