05-833 Applied Gadgets, Sensors and Activity Recognition in HCI
For a course, I built a soft, squeezable “stress ball” with physiological sensors, a PSoC
microcontroller, and a Bluetooth chip to measure various physiological signals and
communicated the information to a computer. The development went from breadboard prototyping to a custom PCB implementation.
Digital Stressbell

Gadget project developed for a course. Combines the concept of a stressball, dumb bell (shape), and a sound emitting "bell". It is meant to sense various physiological signals to determine if the user is stressed.
- Programmable System on Chip (PSoC)
- Flex sensors to detect squeezing
- Thermistor to detect palm temperature
- Electrical contacts to measure galvanic skin response (GSR) - a measure of arousal
- Heart rate (oximeter) - didn't really get this to work
- LEDs
- LCD display
- Bluetooth output to computer (that has a custom written oscilloscope program and data logger)
- audio
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