A fun poster design I made for a design course in CMU. It abstractly charts my academic different interests from high school to grad school, and how I became interested in HCI. You may browse the process booklet for an explanation.
Anatomy of a HCI Researcher
January 25th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink
Water Gonna Do?
January 21st, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink
51-711 Graduate Design Studio 1
Granny Home Activity Monitor Simulator
January 21st, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink
05-344 Applied Machine Learning
Project for course Applied Machine Learning. I used the dataset provided from Kasteren et al. 2008 about activity recognition in a smart home to train a classifer using a decision tree. To test the classifier, I developed this simulator using a Java game engine (Golden T Game Engine).
- Golden T Game Engine. www.goldenstudios.or.id . Retrieved 16 December 2008.
- Kasteren, T.L.M., Noulas, A. K., Englebienne, G., Kröse, B.J.A. Accurate Activity Recognition in a Home Setting. In Proc. Ubicomp 08. Seoul, South Korea, 2008.
Digital Stress Bell
January 21st, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink
05-833 Applied Gadgets, Sensors and Activity Recognition in HCI
For a course, I built a soft, squeezable “stress ball” with physiological sensors, a PSoC
microcontroller, and a Bluetooth chip to measure various physiological signals and
communicated the information to a computer. The development went from breadboard prototyping to a custom PCB implementation.
Digital Stressbell

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Assessing Demand for Intelligibility in Context-Aware Applications.
January 18th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink
This study investigates which explanations users of context-aware applications wanted to know so that we could target to provide these explanations to maximize user satisfaction. We presented 860 online participants with video scenarios of four prototypical context-aware applications under various circumstances along the dimensions of application behavior appropriateness, situation criticality, goal-supportiveness, recommendation, and number of external dependencies. We elicited and subsequently solicited (validation) what information participants wanted to know under the various circumstances and extracted 11 types of explanations of interest. We also found how the demands for the explanations varied with circumstance (e.g., explanations of all types are highly desired for critical situations, and Why Not explanations are highly desired for goal-supportive applications such as reminders). We presented our results as design recommendations of when context-aware applications should provide certain explanations.
Intelligibility Design Recommendations
We provide a table of recommendation to designers and developers of context-aware applications derived from survey data of participant responses and the resulting analysis [Lim & Dey 2009]. They can use this table to determine which types of intelligibility explanations to include in their applications depending on the circumstances their applications would encounter. For example, if the application is not very accurate, it would have low Appropriateness, and we would recommend the explanation types: Why, Why Not, How, What If, and Control.
Instructions on usage
Select the checkbox or radio buttons as according to how your candidate context-aware application is defined (e.g. whether it has high criticality, etc). This will highlight the respective explanation types recommended for your application. You can mouse over the keywords in the table for the definitions of what they mean.
Lim, B. Y., Dey, A. K. 2009.
Assessing Demand for Intelligibility in Context-Aware Applications.
In Proceedings of the 11th international Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Orlando, Florida, USA, September 30 – October 03, 2009). Ubicomp ’09. ACM, New York, NY, 195-204. DOI=10.1145/1620545.1620576.
Assessing Impact of Intelligibility on Understanding Context-Aware Applications.
January 18th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink
We sought to explore how much better participants could understand intelligent, decision-based applications when provided explanations. In particular, we investigated differences in understanding and resulting trust when participants were provided with one of four types of explanations compared to receiving no explanations (None). The four types of explanations are in terms of answers to question types:
- Why did the application do X?
- Why did it not do Y?
- How (under what condition) does it do Y?
- What if there is a change W, what would happen?
We showed participants an online abstracted application with anonymous inputs and outputs and asked them to learn how the application makes decisions after viewing 24 examples of its performance. Of the 158 participants recruited, they were evenly divided into groups where some received one of the four types of explanations and one group received no explanation. We subsequently measured their understanding by testing whether they can predict missing inputs and outputs in 15 test cases, and asking them to explain how they think the application reasons. We also measured their level of trust of the application output.
We found that participants who received Why and Why Not explanations better understood and trusted the application more than How To and What If.
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January 17th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink
Investigated people’s reaction time to visual stimuli at 7 placements on the body (wrist, upper arm, shoulder, brooch, waist, thigh, foot). We found that people reacted fastest to the wrist, and slowest to the foot. Our findings would inform others who want to deploy wearable displays on various body locations.