I am an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science at the National University of Singapore. I lead the NUS Ubicomp Lab, where we research and develop Explainable AI-driven analytics and apps to improve people’s lives. We are interested in combining Machine Learning and Human-Computer Interaction to improve health, wellness and livability in smart cities with interpretable predictive analytics and mobile apps for automated self-tracking.
Research methods include:
- User-centered design of technologies driven by deep requirement analysis with traditional and sensor-based methods.
- Development of new technologies by defining frameworks, and developing toolkits and platforms for rapid prototyping of AI- and machine learning-driven applications.
- Implementation of hardware sensors to acquire context-awareness of users and the environment, machine learning models to interpret higher level semantics, and intelligible user interfaces and visualizations to provide effective insights and services.
- Validation of real-world applications to evaluate technologies in lab and field studies.
I have conducted research in intelligent systems across multiple modalities (IoT sensors, mobile interfaces, web and dashboards) and multiple scales (smartphones, smart homes, and smart cities). This allows me to develop impactful technological solutions for multiple domains, and to translate these innovations from the lab to society.
I am serve as an Associate Editor for IMWUT (2019-2021), an Associate Chair for CHI 2019 (Health subcommittee) and 2018 (Special Applications subcommittee), a senior program committee member for IUI (2018-2019), and am an reviewer for numerous conferences and journals: CHI (2009-2012, 2014, 2016-2019), IMWUT (2019), Ubicomp (2007, 2011, 2014-2015, 2017), IUI (2011-2012, 2018-2019), TOCHI (2018), UIST (2012, 2018), ISWC (2017), CSCW (2009, 2012-2013), IEEE Pervasive (2015, 2018), TiiS (2010, 2013, 2018), MobileHCI (2012, 2015), NordiCHI (2012), ChineseCHI (2014), Pervasive Health (2013), EICS (2013), ICCE (2014), ICDM (2016), KDD (2016), Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) (2018), SIGMOD Workshop on Human-In-the-Loop Data Analytics (HILDA) (2017-2018), IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems (2016), IEEE SMC (2015), Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing (2016), Pervasive and Mobile Computing journal (2012), International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI) (2012, 2013).
I am actively looking for highly motivated and talented PhD students, post-doctoral research fellows, interns, research engineers, and visiting scholars. If you are interested to work in the areas of human-computer interaction and ubiquitous / pervasive computing, please feel free to email me and send me your CV and transcript!
I was a research scientist at the Institute for Infocomm Research in Singapore where I lead the research on Interactive Visual Data Analytics in the Urban Systems Initiative. Other research includes data analysis for public health campaigns, urban planning, and developing apps for behavior change intervention.
I was a post-doc researcher at the Fraunhofer Center for Sustainable Energy Systems in Boston where I started and led the Home Energy Management (HEM) Lab. My research focused on creating the Fraunhofer Experimental Smart Home (FRESH) Research Platform as a hardware/software platform to partition and perform research in the areas of sensing and control, novel application logic using machine learning, customizeable user interfaces, and data storage and analytics.
I earned my Ph.D. in 2012 from the Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII) at Carnegie Mellon University. My advisor was Anind Dey. My thesis investigated how to support intelligibility in context-aware applications to improve user understanding and trust.
I did a summer (2009) internship at the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), working with Victoria Bellotti, and Oliver Brdiczka on how to improve contactability between collaborators.
I graduated from Cornell University with a BS degree in Engineering Physics from the department of Applied and Engineering Physics and a minor in Computer Science.
After graduating, I had a year-long stint at the Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), a research institute under the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR).
I have also obtained the A*STAR National Science Scholarship, providing funding for my undergraduate (Fall 2003 – Spring 2006) and graduate studies (since Fall 2007).
Here are my curriculum vitae[reus name=”pdf-img”] and biographical sketch[reus name=”pdf-img”].